Woodlawn Cemetery was originally founded and built within existing native woodland with many massive as well as younger trees already established.
This provided a very beautiful, peaceful, appropriate setting for the many who found and now find Woodlawn Cemetery as their final resting place.
Over many years, storms, time, and many other stress factors have weighed heavily on the trees of Woodlawn. Most recently, this has escalated to where we are removing several large trees each and every year. Many more are in distress, stemming from age and severe weather events going back over 15 years. Some of these will need to be removed in the next several years.
We’ve initiated an effort to replace these trees to revitalize the cemetery flora and make sure that it holds the same beauty that it does now for future generations. The Memorial Tree Program allows anyone to purchase a tree and have it planted in honor of a friend, family member, loved one, or just to simply enhance the beauty of the cemetery.
We’re offering a list of trees that will help to make the cemetery grounds beautiful for many years to come. These trees will be ordered in the fall and planted then so they can establish over the winter months. A plaque is included where one can commemorate a tree to anyone or for any reason. Inscription on the plaque will need to be approved by the Cemetery Board and adhere to Woodlawn’s long-term horticultural plan.
Locations for Memorial Trees will need to be decided by the Cemetery Board, although your input will be considered regarding placement.
The tree’s size and age will depend on availability at the time. We are looking to plant mature trees with a 2″ trunk diameter and between 6′ and 10′ tall. The following are our recommendations although other requests will be considered. Final selection will be subject to availability at the time.
White Pine
Norway Spruce
Red Oak
Sugar Maple
Pin Oak
Bald Cypress
Cost per Memorial Tree is $400.
To support this Memorial Tree Program, please contact Woodlawn Cemetery at 618-656-6309 or simply fill out the form below.